April 05, 2010

Elimination Diet: My Lunch is Better than Yours

So I took the weekend off from posting, but now I'm here to tell you that I'm eating the best lunch ever. Just ever.

Leftover cilantro lime chicken (shredded), with leftover brown rice and homemade olive tapenade. It tastes like heaven.

It's so good that I actually kept eating it when a student came in to talk to me, despite my intense fear of looking gross while eating by myself. A busy cafeteria is fine, but if you locked me into a crowded room and told me I could only have food if I ate in front of the crowd, I'd starve.

And yet, and yet, my lunch is so good that I just went right on eating.

Want to know how easy it is to make your own olive tapenade?


I went to Whole Foods, filled a plastic container with an assortment of pitted olives, took them home, puréed them with 1/8 cup of olive oil, and voilà! Tapenade, in huge quantities, without the bazillion dollar pricetag.

I also discovered some bread that I can eat on the elimination diet: Food For Life's Brown Rice Bread. It's gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free. And yet, it's still good. It's sweetened with fruit juice, and it has an incredibly cakey texture (be sure to toast it) that I love with a bit of sunflower butter. Yummmm.

While I am positively dying to reincorporate some foods (i.e. tomatoes and wine), I've been thinking seriously about which I'll get rid of for good. One definite no-no is coffee. I'm done. It makes me worry that Dickinson will come back to reclaim my degree in French, but I just feel so much better in the mornings now.

That's all for now--stay tuned for a post about my no-soy stir fry victory this weekend.


  1. I'm doing the elimination diet too with Eating for Evolution. I've done it in the past and have always struggled with the sense of deprivation so it's great to be doing it with a group of people and to read posts like yours! Keeps positivity burning!


  2. Glad to hear it! I'm on my last few days of elimination and will soon begin reintroduction, which I think will actually be a bigger challenge for me than the elimination (restraint is not my thing).

    Thanks for reading and keep going! You've got it!
